Blended Vanilla Almond Iced Mocha

An Indulgent Treat

A medium iced mocha at your favorite coffee chain, even if you skip the whipped cream and opt for a plant-based milk, is a pretty calorie-dense treat.

I'm not saying you shouldn't go for it once in a while if you love it.

But, if you'd be thrilled to make your own,...

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Multigrain Bread


I developed this recipe a few months ago, at a time when grocery shopping was much more difficult than it is now, and I was one of many people who turned to the beautiful, satisfying art of home bread baking.

Yet somehow, in the throes of creating and publishing my ebook, the Green Sage...

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Thai Curry Split Pea Soup

This soup is mind-blowingly, amazingly delicious.

Even if split pea soup is not really your favorite thing, I urge you to give this a try anyway. It's soooo flavorful, and split peas are so good for us.

Plus, they aren't as hard to come by, at least online, as some other dry goods these days...

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Make-Ahead Lentil Soup

These are interesting times we're living through these days, aren't they?

It's going to be my goal through this period of pandemic panic and social isolation, to help you as much as I can with recipes, tips and guidance on keeping yourself sane and healthy.

Without further ado, let's jump in.


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Citrus Fruits and Vitamin C

A brief overview of the benefits of Vitamin C, and how to "squeeze" more citrus into your daily life.

One of the beautiful things about nature, and how we human beings fit into it, is that when we eat our natural foods in their natural season, they provide some timely benefits for our...

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8 Tips for Delicious Dinner Salads

This could easily become one of your favorite meals!

Here are a few tips for taking the "sad" out of your dinner salad and crafting it into a delicious, colorful, satisfying meal that you'll look forward to, time and time again.

1. Choose a yummy oil-free dressing.

We use a Fig Balsamic...

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Instant Pot Lentil Soup with Fresh Vegetables and Brown Rice

I improvise variations on this lentil soup all the time, but I finally wrote down this particular version to share with you... a snapshot in time of an ever-evolving recipe of mine.

The impetus for posting it on the blog this week was that, a few days ago in my Instagram Stories, I...

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2019 Meaningful Holiday Gift Guide

I'm pleased to bring you my annual Meaningful Gift Guide for the 2019 Holiday Season.

Below you'll find gorgeous gifts for everyone on your list. I hand-picked each item very carefully, based on the criteria that they are all ethically sourced and crafted, and...

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How to Cook Tempeh

What is tempeh?

Tempeh is a specialty of Indonesian cuisine. It's a product made of whole fermented soybeans, which through the culturing process, are bound into a cake-like form.

Tempeh is less processed than tofu, and has a firmer texture, as the soybeans remain intact. It...

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Healthy Homemade Vegan Nutella

There's a story behind this recipe.

I'm a dark chocolate lover. If I buy a bar of chocolate it's usually 80% cacao or higher. The purer the better, as far as I'm concerned.

One day, while I was checking out at Trader Joe's, I spotted on that shelf of last-minute "impulse buy" items,...

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